Monday, July 5, 2010

>SHALE GAS: Small footprint …big impression!

1. What is shale gas?
2. Shale gas in the US: Long forays g g ys in a short time
3. Shale gas reserves in other parts of the world
4. Major Implications
5. Foray of RIL in this space: Opportunities and implications
6. Annexure

1.a. What is shale gas?
Shale are fine-grained sedimentary rocks comprising of mud (mix of clay mineral flakes) and small fragments of other minerals

Shale gas is produced from shale formations, which act as both reservoir as well as source rocks.

Shale tends to have lower recovery than conventional plays e.g., shale plays in Marcellus are estimated to yield only 3-12% of total organic carbon.

Every shale is different so each shale has its own learning curve in terms of extraction technology and corresponding operational and break-even costs.

Shale gas production was considered uneconomic earlier because of low permeability and gas content.

Emergence of a new drilling technology in the 1990s and higher natural gas prices made shale gas viable

To read the full report: SHALE GAS